## ── Attaching packages ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.2.1 ──
## ✔ ggplot2 3.0.0     ✔ purrr   0.2.5
## ✔ tibble  1.4.2     ✔ dplyr   0.7.6
## ✔ tidyr   0.8.1     ✔ stringr 1.3.1
## ✔ readr   1.1.1     ✔ forcats 0.3.0
## ── Conflicts ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
## ✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## ✖ dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()

Import Data

If you don’t have the data in your working directory, you can download it by uncommenting and running the two lines below.

# download.file("", "CancerRegistryData.csv")
# download.file("", "CancerRegistryDataPatients.csv")

cr_patients <- read_csv(
  col_types = cols(`Date Last Patient Contact/Dead` = col_date(format = "%m/%d/%y"))

cr <- read_csv(
  col_types = cols(
    `Date Last Patient Contact/Dead` = col_date(format = "%m/%d/%y"),
    `Date of Diagnosis` = col_date(format = "%m/%d/%y")

Task 1

Merge the two data sets to add the patient information from cr_patients to the corresponding diagnosis records in cr

full_join(cr_patients, cr, by = "Medical Record Number")
## # A tibble: 167 x 28
##    `Medical Record… `Age, Current.x` Sex.x `Spanish/Hispan… Race.x
##               <int>            <int> <chr> <chr>            <chr> 
##  1           687391               72 FEMA… NON-SPANISH(0)   WHITE 
##  2           687391               72 FEMA… NON-SPANISH(0)   WHITE 
##  3           906008               76 FEMA… PUERTO RICAN(2)  WHITE 
##  4           162232               74 FEMA… NON-SPANISH(0)   BLACK 
##  5           710246               86 FEMA… NON-SPANISH(0)   WHITE 
##  6           317251               66 FEMA… DOMINICAN REPUB… WHITE 
##  7           175897               62 FEMA… NON-SPANISH(0)   WHITE 
##  8           197932               70 FEMA… NON-SPANISH(0)   WHITE 
##  9           446531               59 FEMA… NON-SPANISH(0)   WHITE 
## 10           446531               59 FEMA… NON-SPANISH(0)   WHITE 
## # ... with 157 more rows, and 23 more variables: `Vital Status.x` <chr>,
## #   `Date Last Patient Contact/Dead.x` <date>, `DC, Cause of
## #   Death.x` <chr>, `Sequence Number` <int>, `Site - Primary
## #   (ICD-O-3)` <chr>, `Histology/Behavior (ICD-O-3)` <chr>, `Date of
## #   Diagnosis` <date>, `Age at Diagnosis` <int>, `Age, Current.y` <int>,
## #   Sex.y <chr>, `Spanish/Hispanic Origin.y` <chr>, Race.y <chr>, `Vital
## #   Status.y` <chr>, `Date Last Patient Contact/Dead.y` <date>, `Survival
## #   Time (months)` <int>, `DC, Cause of Death.y` <chr>, `Clinical Tumor
## #   Size` <dbl>, `Clinical Size Unit` <chr>, `Tobacco Use (FCDS)` <chr>,
## #   `Summary of RX,1st Course` <chr>, `Payer Source 1 at DX` <chr>,
## #   `Patient History, Alcohol` <chr>, `Marital Status at DX` <chr>

Task 2

Find deceased patients at least 75 years or older. Create a data frame containing their patient information and all of their diagnosis records.

task2_patients <- cr_patients %>%
  filter(`Age, Current` >= 75, `Vital Status` == "DEAD")

left_join(task2_patients, cr, by = "Medical Record Number")
## # A tibble: 9 x 28
##   `Medical Record… `Age, Current.x` Sex.x `Spanish/Hispan… Race.x
##              <int>            <int> <chr> <chr>            <chr> 
## 1           710246               86 FEMA… NON-SPANISH(0)   WHITE 
## 2           359703               84 FEMA… PUERTO RICAN(2)  WHITE 
## 3           623039               87 FEMA… NON-SPANISH(0)   WHITE 
## 4           636827               77 FEMA… NON-SPANISH(0)   OTHER 
## 5           563418               75 FEMA… NON-SPANISH(0)   WHITE 
## 6           463338               81 FEMA… NON-SPANISH(0)   WHITE 
## 7           463338               81 FEMA… NON-SPANISH(0)   WHITE 
## 8           424590               90 FEMA… NON-SPANISH(0)   WHITE 
## 9           482228               87 FEMA… NON-SPANISH(0)   WHITE 
## # ... with 23 more variables: `Vital Status.x` <chr>, `Date Last Patient
## #   Contact/Dead.x` <date>, `DC, Cause of Death.x` <chr>, `Sequence
## #   Number` <int>, `Site - Primary (ICD-O-3)` <chr>, `Histology/Behavior
## #   (ICD-O-3)` <chr>, `Date of Diagnosis` <date>, `Age at
## #   Diagnosis` <int>, `Age, Current.y` <int>, Sex.y <chr>,
## #   `Spanish/Hispanic Origin.y` <chr>, Race.y <chr>, `Vital
## #   Status.y` <chr>, `Date Last Patient Contact/Dead.y` <date>, `Survival
## #   Time (months)` <int>, `DC, Cause of Death.y` <chr>, `Clinical Tumor
## #   Size` <dbl>, `Clinical Size Unit` <chr>, `Tobacco Use (FCDS)` <chr>,
## #   `Summary of RX,1st Course` <chr>, `Payer Source 1 at DX` <chr>,
## #   `Patient History, Alcohol` <chr>, `Marital Status at DX` <chr>

Task 3

Find the diagnosis records of the African American patients.

task3_patients <- cr_patients %>%
  filter(Race == "BLACK")

semi_join(cr, task3_patients, by = "Medical Record Number")
## # A tibble: 10 x 21
##    `Medical Record… `Sequence Numbe… `Site - Primary… `Histology/Beha…
##               <int>            <int> <chr>            <chr>           
##  1           162232                0 C503 (BREAST LI… 85003 (INFILTRA…
##  2           502990                0 C508 (BREAST OV… 85003 (INFILTRA…
##  3           263178                0 C504 (BREAST UO… 85233 (INFILTRA…
##  4           690660                0 C504 (BREAST UO… 85003 (INFILTRA…
##  5           428083                0 C508 (BREAST OV… 85003 (INFILTRA…
##  6           336282                0 C504 (BREAST UO… 82113 (TUBULAR …
##  7           529556                0 C509 (BREAST NO… 85003 (INFILTRA…
##  8           178994                0 C505 (BREAST LO… 85003 (INFILTRA…
##  9           320079                0 C504 (BREAST UO… 85003 (INFILTRA…
## 10           528978                0 C505 (BREAST LO… 85203 (LOBULAR …
## # ... with 17 more variables: `Date of Diagnosis` <date>, `Age at
## #   Diagnosis` <int>, `Age, Current` <int>, Sex <chr>, `Spanish/Hispanic
## #   Origin` <chr>, Race <chr>, `Vital Status` <chr>, `Date Last Patient
## #   Contact/Dead` <date>, `Survival Time (months)` <int>, `DC, Cause of
## #   Death` <chr>, `Clinical Tumor Size` <dbl>, `Clinical Size Unit` <chr>,
## #   `Tobacco Use (FCDS)` <chr>, `Summary of RX,1st Course` <chr>, `Payer
## #   Source 1 at DX` <chr>, `Patient History, Alcohol` <chr>, `Marital
## #   Status at DX` <chr>
## # A tibble: 10 x 8
##    `Medical Record… `Age, Current` Sex   `Spanish/Hispan… Race 
##               <int>          <int> <chr> <chr>            <chr>
##  1           162232             74 FEMA… NON-SPANISH(0)   BLACK
##  2           502990             75 FEMA… PUERTO RICAN(2)  BLACK
##  3           263178             64 FEMA… NON-SPANISH(0)   BLACK
##  4           690660             51 FEMA… NON-SPANISH(0)   BLACK
##  5           428083             88 FEMA… NON-SPANISH(0)   BLACK
##  6           336282             72 FEMA… UNKNOWN(9)       BLACK
##  7           529556             63 FEMA… NON-SPANISH(0)   BLACK
##  8           178994             46 FEMA… NON-SPANISH(0)   BLACK
##  9           320079             66 FEMA… NON-SPANISH(0)   BLACK
## 10           528978             57 FEMA… NON-SPANISH(0)   BLACK
## # ... with 3 more variables: `Vital Status` <chr>, `Date Last Patient
## #   Contact/Dead` <date>, `DC, Cause of Death` <chr>
semi_join(cr, task3_patients, by = "Medical Record Number") %>%
  group_by(`Medical Record Number`) %>% count()
## # A tibble: 10 x 2
## # Groups:   Medical Record Number [10]
##    `Medical Record Number`     n
##                      <int> <int>
##  1                  162232     1
##  2                  178994     1
##  3                  263178     1
##  4                  320079     1
##  5                  336282     1
##  6                  428083     1
##  7                  502990     1
##  8                  528978     1
##  9                  529556     1
## 10                  690660     1

BONUS: Find the diagnosis records of married African American patients using two joins.

task3_married <- cr %>%
  filter(`Marital Status at DX` == "MARRIED") %>%
  select(`Medical Record Number`, `Marital Status at DX`) %>%

semi_join(cr, task3_patients, by = "Medical Record Number") %>%
## Joining, by = c("Medical Record Number", "Marital Status at DX")
## # A tibble: 6 x 21
##   `Medical Record… `Sequence Numbe… `Site - Primary… `Histology/Beha…
##              <int>            <int> <chr>            <chr>           
## 1           162232                0 C503 (BREAST LI… 85003 (INFILTRA…
## 2           263178                0 C504 (BREAST UO… 85233 (INFILTRA…
## 3           336282                0 C504 (BREAST UO… 82113 (TUBULAR …
## 4           178994                0 C505 (BREAST LO… 85003 (INFILTRA…
## 5           320079                0 C504 (BREAST UO… 85003 (INFILTRA…
## 6           528978                0 C505 (BREAST LO… 85203 (LOBULAR …
## # ... with 17 more variables: `Date of Diagnosis` <date>, `Age at
## #   Diagnosis` <int>, `Age, Current` <int>, Sex <chr>, `Spanish/Hispanic
## #   Origin` <chr>, Race <chr>, `Vital Status` <chr>, `Date Last Patient
## #   Contact/Dead` <date>, `Survival Time (months)` <int>, `DC, Cause of
## #   Death` <chr>, `Clinical Tumor Size` <dbl>, `Clinical Size Unit` <chr>,
## #   `Tobacco Use (FCDS)` <chr>, `Summary of RX,1st Course` <chr>, `Payer
## #   Source 1 at DX` <chr>, `Patient History, Alcohol` <chr>, `Marital
## #   Status at DX` <chr>

Task 4

First, verify that all patients in the diagnosis records data set cr appear in the patient information data set using anti_join

Then, find all patients who have had more than one cancer diagnosis and create a data frame with only their patient information, using semi_join().

anti_join(cr_patients, cr, by = "Medical Record Number")
## # A tibble: 0 x 8
## # ... with 8 variables: `Medical Record Number` <int>, `Age,
## #   Current` <int>, Sex <chr>, `Spanish/Hispanic Origin` <chr>,
## #   Race <chr>, `Vital Status` <chr>, `Date Last Patient
## #   Contact/Dead` <date>, `DC, Cause of Death` <chr>
task4_patients <- cr %>%
  group_by(`Medical Record Number`) %>%
  count() %>%
  filter(n > 1)

semi_join(cr, task4_patients, by = "Medical Record Number")
## # A tibble: 34 x 21
##    `Medical Record… `Sequence Numbe… `Site - Primary… `Histology/Beha…
##               <int>            <int> <chr>            <chr>           
##  1           687391                1 C509 (BREAST NO… 85202 (LOBULAR …
##  2           446531                1 C504 (BREAST UO… 85223 (INFILTRA…
##  3           334557                1 C504 (BREAST UO… 85003 (INFILTRA…
##  4           341050                1 C569 (OVARY)     84603 (PAPILLAR…
##  5           896356                2 C182 (COLON ASC… 81403 (ADENOCAR…
##  6           896356                1 C509 (BREAST NO… 85203 (LOBULAR …
##  7           558013                1 C649 (KIDNEY NO… 83123 (RENAL CE…
##  8           124227                0 C501 (BREAST CE… 85003 (INFILTRA…
##  9           341050                2 C508 (BREAST OV… 85003 (INFILTRA…
## 10           984584                1 C503 (BREAST LI… 85003 (INFILTRA…
## # ... with 24 more rows, and 17 more variables: `Date of
## #   Diagnosis` <date>, `Age at Diagnosis` <int>, `Age, Current` <int>,
## #   Sex <chr>, `Spanish/Hispanic Origin` <chr>, Race <chr>, `Vital
## #   Status` <chr>, `Date Last Patient Contact/Dead` <date>, `Survival Time
## #   (months)` <int>, `DC, Cause of Death` <chr>, `Clinical Tumor
## #   Size` <dbl>, `Clinical Size Unit` <chr>, `Tobacco Use (FCDS)` <chr>,
## #   `Summary of RX,1st Course` <chr>, `Payer Source 1 at DX` <chr>,
## #   `Patient History, Alcohol` <chr>, `Marital Status at DX` <chr>

Task 5

Find patients who were last contacted in 2017 and merge their patient information with their diagnosis records. Transform all dates to be the number of days since their earliest diagnosis.

## Attaching package: 'lubridate'
## The following object is masked from 'package:base':
##     date
# Find patients last contacted in 2017
task5_selected <- cr_patients %>%
  filter(year(`Date Last Patient Contact/Dead`) == 2017)

# Create a data frame with patient and earliest diagnosis
task5_first_dx <- cr %>%
  group_by(`Medical Record Number`) %>%
  summarize(first_diagnosis = min(`Date of Diagnosis`))

# Merge task5_selected and task5_first_dx so that selected patients also have
# a `first_diagnosis` column
task5_patients <- left_join(task5_selected, task5_first_dx, by = "Medical Record Number") %>%
  select(-`Date Last Patient Contact/Dead`)

task5_patients %>%
  select(`Medical Record Number`, first_diagnosis)
## # A tibble: 29 x 2
##    `Medical Record Number` first_diagnosis
##                      <int> <date>         
##  1                  687391 1991-02-20     
##  2                  446531 1996-12-02     
##  3                  148456 1998-10-25     
##  4                  934875 2001-11-02     
##  5                  644232 2005-09-06     
##  6                  789242 2006-04-29     
##  7                  348966 2006-09-24     
##  8                  487851 2009-03-03     
##  9                  158774 2009-09-11     
## 10                  524664 2010-03-24     
## # ... with 19 more rows
# Then join patient information and diagnosis records and transform dates.
full_join(task5_patients, cr, by = "Medical Record Number") %>%
    `Date Last Patient Contact/Dead` = `Date Last Patient Contact/Dead` - first_diagnosis,
    `Date Last Patient Contact/Dead` = as.integer(`Date Last Patient Contact/Dead`),
    `Date of Diagnosis` = `Date of Diagnosis` - first_diagnosis,
    `Date of Diagnosis` = as.integer(`Date of Diagnosis`),
  ) %>%
  select(`Medical Record Number`, starts_with("date"))
## # A tibble: 167 x 3
##    `Medical Record Numbe… `Date of Diagnosis` `Date Last Patient Contact/…
##                     <int>               <int>                        <int>
##  1                 687391                   0                         9678
##  2                 687391                6838                         9678
##  3                 446531                   0                         7358
##  4                 446531                5529                         7358
##  5                 148456                   0                         6864
##  6                 934875                   0                         5646
##  7                 644232                   0                         4169
##  8                 789242                   0                         3907
##  9                 348966                   0                         4037
## 10                 487851                   0                         3128
## # ... with 157 more rows