class: bottom, left, title-slide # Data Processing with R
Session 1
### Garrick Aden-Buie ### July 18, 2018 --- class: inverse center middle # Who are we? ??? - Name, what do you do here?, cat/dog/none, first computer --- class: center middle <img src="../images/garrick.png" width="20%" /> ## Garrick Aden-Buie ### Cancer Epidemiology<br>Dr. Travis Gerke #### @grrrck<br> --- class: inverse center middle # What's so cool about R? --- background-image: url("../images/r-logo.svg") background-position: 90% 60% background-size: 350px ## What is R? > R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. - Both interactive environment and programming language - Designed by Statisticians - Quirky - <> ??? Ross and Robert --- background-image: url("../images/tidyverse-hex-logo.png") background-position: 90% 80% background-size: 300px ## tidyverse > The tidyverse is an opinionated collection of R packages designed for data science. - Consistent data structure and grammar - A common design philosophy - Everything fits together nicely - <> --- ## Falling into the Pit of Despair .center[  ] --- ## Falling into the Pit of ~~Despair~~ Success .center[  ] -- .center[ The biggest bottleneck is cognitive: what you want to do, and<br>how you tell the computer to do that ] --- ## Two options for data processing[  **GUI** ][  **Command Line** ] --- ## Two options for data processing[  .big[🤔] ][  **Command Line** ] --- layout: true ## Why learn how to program? --- .footer[] .third.left-column[ ### Code is text ] -- .two-third.right-column[ .large[<kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>C</kbd> & <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>V</kbd>] ] --- .third.left-column[ ### Code is text ### Code is read-able ] .two-third.right-column[ ```r bookings %>% mutate( total_price = price_per_night * room_nights ) %>% summarise( n = n(), n_stayed = sum(status == "stayed"), mean_price = mean(total_price) ) ``` ] --- .third.left-column[ ### Code is text ### Code is read-able ### Code is shareable ][  ] --- .third.left-column[ ### Code is text ### Code is read-able ### Code is shareable ][  ] --- .third.left-column[ ### Code is text ### Code is read-able ### Code is shareable ### Code is open ][  ] .footer[<>] --- layout: false class: inverse center middle # Joining the R Community --- # Goals for this course .large[ 1. Hands-on, applicable 2. Empowering 3. Collaborative ] --- ## Learning .center[ <img src="../images/tweet_kierisi_learning_r.jpg" width="32%" class="bordered top" /> <img src="../images/tweet_google_gather.jpg" width="32%" class="bordered top" /> <img src="../images/tweet_phd_google.jpg" width="32%" class="bordered top" /> ] .footer.muted[ ] --- ## Community Leaders .card[ .card-img[] ## Hadley Wickham ### []( Chief Scientist at RStudio, I build tools (computational and cognitive) that make data science easier, faster, and more fun. ] .card[ .card-img[] ## Jenny<br>Bryan ### []( Software engineer @rstudio, humane #rstats, adjunct prof @UBC where I created @STAT545, part of @ropensci ] .card[ .card-img[] ## Julia<br>Silge ### []( Data science and visualization at @StackOverflow, #rstats, author of Tidy Text Mining with R ] .card[ .card-img[] ## David Robinson ### []( Chief Data Scientist at @DataCamp, #rstats fan/evangelist ] --- ## Online Community .card[  ### [@R4DScommunity]( Online community working through [R for Data Science]( ][  ] --- class: inverse center middle # Course Overview --- background-image: url("../images/tidyverse-workflow-01.png") background-size: contain background-color: #FAF8F2 .footer[[R4DS](] --- background-image: url("../images/tidyverse-workflow-02.png") background-size: contain background-color: #FAF8F2 .footer[[R4DS](] --- background-image: url("../images/tidyverse-workflow-03.png") background-size: contain background-color: #FAF8F2 .footer[[R4DS](] --- # Before we get started... .big[ - 🙋🏻‍♀ Installed **R** - 🙋🏽‍♂️ Installed **RStudio** - 👏🏽 Installed .pkg[tidyverse] ]