Adds a new column containing the midpoint year of the range given in the column indicated by the year_group argument, in a new column named according to the into argument. The year column is assumed to contain a min year and a max year, separated by sep. The midpoint is calculated as floor((year_max - year_min) / 2) unless offset is explicitly provided.

add_mid_year_groups(data, year_group = year_group, into = "year",
  sep = "-", offset = NULL)



A data frame


The unquoted column containing the year_group.


Character name of the column that will contain the mid year exctracted from year_group.


Characters separating years in year. Whitespace on either side of sep will be automatically removed. Passed to tidyr::separate().


If supplied, the number of years to be added to the lower bound of the year group to calculate the mid-year value. By default uses floor((year_max - year_min) / 2).

See also


year_groups <- c("1981-1985", "1986-1990", "1991-1995", "1996-2000", "2001-2005", "2006-2010", "2011-2015") dplyr::tibble(year = year_groups) %>% add_mid_year_groups()
#> Warning: `year` already exists in data
#> # A tibble: 7 x 1 #> year #> <chr> #> 1 1981-1985 #> 2 1986-1990 #> 3 1991-1995 #> 4 1996-2000 #> 5 2001-2005 #> 6 2006-2010 #> 7 2011-2015