Helper function to count cancer cases in the FCDS data by year and age group, in addition to any groups already present in the data. For convenience, you may additionally filter to include particular values of sex, race, year, county name and hispanic ethnicity. See fcds_const() for more information about possible values for these variables. By default, count_fcds() ensures that age_group, year_group, and year are included in the grouping variables if they are present in the data. If they are not, or if they are not present in the FCDS data, then it would be better to use dplyr::count() directly.

count_fcds(data, ..., sex = NULL, race = NULL, origin = NULL,
  county_name = NULL, default_groups = c("year_group", "year",
  "age_group"), discard_unseen_levels = TRUE,
  moffitt_catchment = FALSE)



A data frame


Unquoted column names to be added to the grouping of the output and subsequent counting.


Character vector of values of sex to be included in count, or TRUE to include all values of sex present in input data


Character vector of values of race to be included in count, or TRUE to include all values of race present in input data


Character vector of values of origin to be included in count, or TRUE to include all values of origin present in input data


Character vector of values of county_name to be included in count, or TRUE to include all values of county_name present in the input data, or "moffitt" to limit to the counties in the catchment area of the Moffitt Cancer Center.


Variables that should be included in the grouping, prior to counting cancer cases. Set to NULL to use only the groups already present in the input data.


If TRUE, drops factor levels that don't appear in the results. If FALSE, then no changes are made to the factor levels. If a character string of column names, then only unobserved levels in those columns are dropped.


Deprecated. Please use county_name = "moffitt" instead to limit counties to those in the catchment area of the Moffitt Cancer Center.


A grouped data frame with counts. The output groups includes the union of the groups of the original input data, the groups specified by the columns indicated in ..., and the default_groups added by count_fcds() (modifyable by the default_groups argument).

All factor levels will be modified to include only those levels that appear in the final output across all groups.


fcds_example %>% dplyr::filter(county_name == "Pinellas") %>% count_fcds(cancer_site_group, sex = "Male", county_name = TRUE) %>% head()
#> # A tibble: 6 x 7 #> # Groups: cancer_site_group, county_name, sex, year_group, year, age_group #> # [6] #> cancer_site_group county_name sex year_group year age_group n #> <fct> <fct> <fct> <fct> <chr> <fct> <int> #> 1 Oral Cavity and Pharynx Pinellas Male 1992-1996 1994 0 - 4 1 #> 2 Oral Cavity and Pharynx Pinellas Male 1992-1996 1994 55 - 59 1 #> 3 Oral Cavity and Pharynx Pinellas Male 1997-2001 1999 70 - 74 1 #> 4 Oral Cavity and Pharynx Pinellas Male 2002-2006 2004 15 - 19 1 #> 5 Oral Cavity and Pharynx Pinellas Male 2002-2006 2004 75 - 79 1 #> 6 Oral Cavity and Pharynx Pinellas Male 2007-2011 2009 70 - 74 2
fcds_example %>% filter_age_groups(age_gt = 20, age_lt = 25) %>% count_fcds(sex = TRUE, county_name = c("Pinellas", "Hillsborough"))
#> # A tibble: 10 x 6 #> # Groups: sex, county_name, year_group, year, age_group [10] #> sex county_name year_group year age_group n #> <fct> <fct> <fct> <chr> <fct> <int> #> 1 Male Pinellas 1992-1996 1994 20 - 24 1 #> 2 Male Pinellas 2002-2006 2004 20 - 24 2 #> 3 Male Pinellas 2007-2011 2009 20 - 24 2 #> 4 Female Hillsborough 1992-1996 1994 20 - 24 3 #> 5 Female Hillsborough 2007-2011 2009 20 - 24 1 #> 6 Female Hillsborough 2012-2016 2014 20 - 24 1 #> 7 Female Pinellas 1987-1991 1989 20 - 24 1 #> 8 Female Pinellas 2007-2011 2009 20 - 24 2 #> 9 Unknown Hillsborough 2002-2006 2004 20 - 24 1 #> 10 Unknown Pinellas 1997-2001 1999 20 - 24 1
fcds_example %>% count_fcds(county_name = "moffitt") %>% head()
#> # A tibble: 6 x 5 #> # Groups: county_name, year_group, year, age_group [6] #> county_name year_group year age_group n #> <fct> <fct> <chr> <fct> <int> #> 1 Charlotte 1982-1986 1984 20 - 24 1 #> 2 Charlotte 1982-1986 1984 35 - 39 1 #> 3 Charlotte 1982-1986 1984 40 - 44 1 #> 4 Charlotte 1982-1986 1984 45 - 49 1 #> 5 Charlotte 1982-1986 1984 50 - 54 2 #> 6 Charlotte 1982-1986 1984 55 - 59 5