Loads preprocessed FCDS data. If called using defaults, fcds_load() will look for cached, preprocessed FCDS data in the typical locations (see fcds_default_data_path()). If file is a directory (as is the default), then fcds_load() will look for files with names starting with "fcds_" within the directory and will choose the first file when sorted in descending order by name. When used in conjunction with fcds_import(), the filename will contain the date of importing — with names like "fcds_2019-04-23.rds" — so the typical behavior of this function is to load the most recently imported FCDS data set. You can override this behavior by providing a path to a specific RDS file.

fcds_load(file = fcds_default_data_path(), check_data = TRUE)



The pre-processed FCDS data file, or a directory containing files with names starting with "fcds_". See fcds_default_data_path().


Not yet implemented. When TRUE, data integrity is checked after loading.

See also