Two interfaces are provided to mapping funcitonality in R. fcds_map() uses ggplot2::geom_sf() and fcds_map_leaflet() uses leaflet::leaflet() to create static and interactive plots of the input data. The defaults of both functions are designed to work with fcds data, in particular after an age-adjusted rate has been calculated.

fcds_map_add_label(data, ...)

fcds_map(data, ..., fill = rate, geom_sf.color = "grey20",
  geom_sf.size = 0.25, coord_sf_hide = TRUE,
  theme = ggplot2::theme_minimal(),
  scale_fill = ggplot2::scale_fill_viridis_c())

fcds_map_leaflet(data, ..., palette = "Blues", palette_bins = if
  (length(palette == 1)) 5L else length(palette),
  group_name = "year_group",
  group_labels = rev(fcds_const(group_name)), proxy_id = NULL)



A data frame containing FCDS data. At a minimum either county_name or county_fips are required to be included in the data. If the input data is not an sf data frame, an attempt will be made to join the data with the Florida county boundaries via join_boundaries_fl().


Ignored in fcds_map().

Additional arguments passed to leaflet::leaflet() in fcds_map_leaflet().

Additional arguments passed to glue::glue_data() in fcds_map_add_label().


The unquoted column name to be used for the fill aesthetic. Defaults to rate.


The color of the ggplot2::geom_sf() shape, typically the color of the county outline.


The size of the ggplot2::geom_sf() shape, typically the size of the county outline.


If TRUE (the default), removes lat/long guides.


The theme to be applied to the plot, by default ggplot2::theme_minimal(). Set to NULL to use the global ggplot2 default theme.


The fill scale to be applied to the ggplot2::geom_sf() shape. By default ggplot2::scale_fill_viridis_c(). Set equal to NULL to skip the addition of this scale.


Set the color palette of the shape fill. You may provide a vector of colors that will be used for the palette. The number of colors provided determines the number of bins for the values mapped to the fill, unless specified by palette_bins.


The number of bins in the color palette.


Character name of the column in data containing group layers.


Labels for the group levels in the column referenced by group_name. These labels should match the values in data[[group_name]].


If provided, a leaflet::leafletProxy() map is created instead. For use in Shiny apps.


A ggplot2 plot object


  • fcds_map_add_label: Add a column with the name "label" to the input data. The ... are passed to glue::glue_data(), so you can construct labels row-wise with references to the column in data.

  • fcds_map_leaflet: Creates an interactive map using leaflet::leaflet().


fcds_example_rates <- fcds::fcds_example %>% count_fcds(moffitt_catchment = TRUE) %>% complete_age_groups(county_name, tidyr::nesting(year_group, year)) %>% age_adjust() %>% dplyr::ungroup() %>% dplyr::mutate(rate = rate / 5) %>% dplyr::mutate(year_group = factor(year_group, unique(year_group)))
#> Warning: The moffitt_catchment argument is deprecated, please use county_name = "moffitt"
if (all(fcds:::suggests_package(c("sf", "ggplot2")))) { fcds_map(fcds_example_rates) + ggplot2::facet_wrap(~year_group, ncol = 4) + ggplot2::theme(legend.position = c(0.93, 0.25)) }
if (FALSE) { fcds_map_leaflet(fcds_example_rates) }