
dplyr Homework

Review the homework from Session 4.

You can check out the approach I took in this page. There is more than one way to accomplish each task, so it’s okay if your code looks different!

  • What parts of these tasks were difficult?
  • Which parts did you find easy?
  • What questions did you have as you worked?
  • Were you able to find the answers to any of these questions?


  1. Review

  2. Tidy Data

  3. Two-table dplyr verbs

Tidy Data


Example 1

There are three variables in this data. What are they?

Pregnant Not Pregnant
Male 0 5
Female 1 4


sex pregnant n
Male TRUE 0
Female TRUE 1
Male FALSE 5
Female FALSE 4

Example 2

What are the variables in this data set?

Patient 2000 2002 2004
John 10 (Prostate) 11 (Prostate)
Mary 9.6 (Breast) 10.3 (Breast) 10.5 (Breast)


Patient Year tumor_size cancer_type
John 2000 NA NA
Mary 2000 9.6 Breast
John 2002 10 Prostate
Mary 2002 10.3 Breast
John 2004 11 Prostate
Mary 2004 10.5 Breast

The three rules of tidy data

  1. Columns represent separate variables

  2. Rows represent individual observations

  3. Observational units form tables

Another messy example

What are the variables in this table and how would you transform it into tidy format?

Pew Forum on Religious and Public Life

Two-Table dplyr verbs

Much of this material is drawn from Relational Data in the R4DS book.

Example Tables

We have three tables that you can load with


# A tibble: 5 x 3
     id name       age
  <dbl> <chr>    <dbl>
1     1 Emmet       63
2     2 Sheilah     61
3     3 Camron      76
4     4 Marisela    58
5     5 Charity     64


# A tibble: 10 x 4
   date       patient_id blood_test paid 
   <chr>           <int> <lgl>      <lgl>
 1 2018-08-08          1 TRUE       FALSE
 2 2018-08-08          3 TRUE       TRUE 
 3 2018-08-09          1 FALSE      FALSE
 4 2018-08-10          5 TRUE       TRUE 
 5 2018-08-11          3 TRUE       FALSE
 6 2018-08-13          1 FALSE      TRUE 
 7 2018-08-13          2 TRUE       FALSE
 8 2018-08-13          5 TRUE       FALSE
 9 2018-08-13          3 FALSE      FALSE
10 2018-08-13          5 FALSE      TRUE 


# A tibble: 4 x 2
  patient_id insurance
       <int> <chr>    
1          5 Other    
2          4 Other    
3          1 Aetna    
4          2 BCBS     


There are two types of keys:

  • A primary key uniquely identifies an observation in its own table. For example, patients$id is a primary key because it uniquely identifies each patient in the patients table.

  • A foreign key uniquely identifies an observation in another table. For example, the encounters$patient_id is a foreign key because it appears in the patients table where it matches each encounter to a unique patient.

What is the primary key of encounters? You can check that a key is primary by counting unique combinations of the variables you expect to be the key.

# A tibble: 5 x 2
# Groups:   id [5]
     id     n
  <dbl> <int>
1     1     1
2     2     1
3     3     1
4     4     1
5     5     1
# A tibble: 5 x 2
# Groups:   date [5]
  date           n
  <chr>      <int>
1 2018-08-13     5
2 2018-08-08     2
3 2018-08-09     1
4 2018-08-10     1
5 2018-08-11     1


What is/are the primary key(s) in the babynames data set?

Mutating Joins

A mutating join allows you to combine variables from two tables. It first matches observations by their keys, then copies across variables from one table to the other.

Inner Join

Keeps all observations that appear in x and y.

# A tibble: 4 x 4
     id name       age insurance
  <dbl> <chr>    <dbl> <chr>    
1     1 Emmet       63 Aetna    
2     2 Sheilah     61 BCBS     
3     4 Marisela    58 Other    
4     5 Charity     64 Other    

Left Join

Keeps all observations that appear in x with columns in x and y.

# A tibble: 5 x 4
     id name       age insurance
  <dbl> <chr>    <dbl> <chr>    
1     1 Emmet       63 Aetna    
2     2 Sheilah     61 BCBS     
3     3 Camron      76 <NA>     
4     4 Marisela    58 Other    
5     5 Charity     64 Other    

Left Join 2

If keys from x appear multiple times, they appear once for each row in y!

# A tibble: 11 x 6
      id name       age date       blood_test paid 
   <dbl> <chr>    <dbl> <chr>      <lgl>      <lgl>
 1     1 Emmet       63 2018-08-08 TRUE       FALSE
 2     1 Emmet       63 2018-08-09 FALSE      FALSE
 3     1 Emmet       63 2018-08-13 FALSE      TRUE 
 4     2 Sheilah     61 2018-08-13 TRUE       FALSE
 5     3 Camron      76 2018-08-08 TRUE       TRUE 
 6     3 Camron      76 2018-08-11 TRUE       FALSE
 7     3 Camron      76 2018-08-13 FALSE      FALSE
 8     4 Marisela    58 <NA>       NA         NA   
 9     5 Charity     64 2018-08-10 TRUE       TRUE 
10     5 Charity     64 2018-08-13 TRUE       FALSE
11     5 Charity     64 2018-08-13 FALSE      TRUE 

Right Join

Keeps all observations that appear in y with columns in x and y.

# A tibble: 4 x 4
     id name       age insurance
  <dbl> <chr>    <dbl> <chr>    
1     5 Charity     64 Other    
2     4 Marisela    58 Other    
3     1 Emmet       63 Aetna    
4     2 Sheilah     61 BCBS     

Full Join

Keeps all observations that appear in x or y with columns in x and y.

# A tibble: 5 x 4
     id name       age insurance
  <dbl> <chr>    <dbl> <chr>    
1     1 Emmet       63 Aetna    
2     2 Sheilah     61 BCBS     
3     3 Camron      76 <NA>     
4     4 Marisela    58 Other    
5     5 Charity     64 Other    

Filtering Joins

Filtering joins match observations in the same way as mutating joins, but affect the observations, not the variables.

Semi Join

semi_join(x, y) keeps all observations in x that have a match in y.

# A tibble: 4 x 3
     id name      age
  <dbl> <chr>   <dbl>
1     1 Emmet      63
2     2 Sheilah    61
3     3 Camron     76
4     5 Charity    64

Anti Join

anti_join(x, y) drops all observations in x that have a match in y.

# A tibble: 1 x 3
     id name       age
  <dbl> <chr>    <dbl>
1     4 Marisela    58